Saturday, October 17, 2009

Blast from the past: Open letter to the Pakatan MBs in 2008-Mar

Message to the YAB Menteri Besars & Chief Minister of Pakatan Rakyat

The 2008 political tsunami was a clear demonstration of the rakyat’s hunger for change and a resounding rejection of the status quo.

The Rakyat that voted you in does not expect you to give them contracts, crony status or other preferential treatment. For the most part, what they want is a better quality of life, and what better way than to start with the 6 states (incl. KL) that Pakatan Rakyat now controls.

Although some matters are under the Federal govt., there are other matters within the purview of the State govt., which can help to improve the quality of life and environment.

In my opinion, the YABs should focus their energies in the following areas within the control of the State Govt:

1.Make the neighborhood clean and livable. Ensure that the garbage are collected, reinforce the anti litter campaign and fine litter bugs. How about regulating painting of buildings? Some buildings are eyesores.

2.Ensure that eating outlets are clean and strictly supervised. Prices of food at govt. built eating outlets should be controlled and in return, rental should be nominal.

3.Rather than build new Parks, spend money to ensure that current parks are in tip top condition. Do park maintenance work on weekdays and during non peak period.

4.Provide at least one playing field in each neighborhood and maintain it properly.

5.Organize functions such as gotong royong, mass aerobics and family day etc to foster better relationship within the neighborhood.

6.Provide sufficient parking areas and slap heavy fines on inconsiderate drivers. Lower parking fees or no parking fees on off days, would help to reduce the burden of the rakyat.

7.Abolish the toilet fee. Make building owners responsible for maintenance of clean toilets. Public toilets should be adopted by private sector sponsors.

8.Do road works only on Weekends or at night. We don’t want road jams and accidents caused by improperly planned road works.

9.Make State Agencies more efficient and user friendly. 1st on my list would be the Local Councils. 2nd on my list would be the Land Office.Notoriously slow agencies only responds to “coffee money” or “cable pulling” to speed up the process.This should stop.

10.Make our neighborhood safer. Although, the Police Dept. comes under Federal responsibility, I believe that there are some things we can do at the State level to improve safety .We can incorporate security & safety features into the building design, adding Guard post, security cameras & fencing. Building owners should be made responsible for security and safety of their buildings.

These little things don't cost much but the rakyat will love you more for making Malaysia a better place to live in. And this love will translate into even more votes at the next general elections.

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