Thursday, May 8, 2008

Response to Mahathir's letter to the Sun Newspaper

Mahathir’s letter to The Sun newspaper published today , May 9th ,is not a surprise given his well known penchant for selective memory.

Undoubtedly, Mahathir does have an impact in Malaysian politics. BN’s major victory in 2004 was in part due to his exit after 22 years and Pak Lah’s promise of a better Malaysia, in a post Mahathir era.

The ‘Melayu Mudah Lupa’ ex Premier needs to be reminded that it was not just his
UMNOputra supporters who voted against the BN in the last elections.

To be exact, 51 % of Peninsular Malaysians of all races, religions and creed voted against the BN. They are UMNOputras, BN members, Opposition members and non party members.

Why did the Rakyat vote against BN? After 2 months of reflection, I believe most Malaysians know why. The dissatisfaction ranges from economic pressures, govt. abuses & misdeeds, broken promises as well as leadership failure.

One clear outcome of the 12th PRU is that ordinary Malaysians now realize that the real power is in their hands. If they unite, they can unleash a potent tsunami that can flush the corrupt, arrogant and mean into history.

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