Its not a pleasant time for PKR.The 'implosion' is threatening to break the party.However,the reformasi spirit is still very strong within the party and I am sure that it will live to fight another day.
What lessons can we draw from this very badly managed Elections,which was supposed to showcase PKR taking the lead ,of allowing each member the right to vote in their top guns?
1. Election system and process were not tight : Whether due to lack of manpower or expertise,this election was badly managed.This gave opportunities for all 3 groups to exploit,when it was to their advantage.Lots of opportunities for improvement.
2. Block voting cost the party to be split into 3 camps : Aspiring candidates had to team up with one of the 3 aspiring Deputy Presidents.Voting was not due to capability but by teams,how sad?. Many members were not comfortable with this development.
3. Division heads were partisan: At each Division, usually only one list of recommended candidates is made available.Most of the heads actively lobbied for the team that they backed. Should not all 3 lists be made available to members?Members can look at all 3 lists and decide who to choose.This would be more democratically correct.
4. Use of mass media damaged the party's image:Zaid in particular is the main culprit and the end result is that the road to Putrajaya is becoming extra long.Why have we not learned from past mistakes,I wonder?
5.Where were the leaders when the going got tough? :DSAI and Datin Seri have to take responsibility for this debacle.It always start with the top. DSAI have been uncharacteristically making a lot of mistakes lately.He must LEAD and accept CRITICISM.His down-lines must put the issues and expectations clearly to him.
I hope that DSAI would take on the challenge upfront and resolve these issues.Serious problems requires strong fixes and I hope that he will step up to it. The Rakyat expects him to deliver.
PKR ,with its multiracial appeal, is still the party for the new generation.Those who feel that the current problems makes it unfit to govern (as espoused by DPM,Muhyiddin Yassin),should think deeper.Isn't the Selangor Govt,led by PKR, better governed than when it was run by Khir Toyo?
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